Dr. Joe Galati Podcast: On Heroes Are Human

#bobdelaney #Posttraumatic #NBA #COVID

This podcast episode features Bob Delaney, author of the new book Heroes are Human: Lessons in Resilience, Courage, and Wisdom from the Covid Front Lines. The interview with Bob was part of the Sirius XM-Catholic Channel series that aired this past week. Bob Delaney was born and bred in Paterson, New Jersey. He joined the New Jersey State Police and spent three years working undercover infiltrating the mob as part of a joint task force. Following this experience, Bob was plagued by post traumatic stress. After his law enforcement career, he began to officiate games, first on the local level as a mechanism of catharsis and re-entering society in a normal, family atmosphere. As he excelled as a game official, his skills allowed him to become an NBA Finals-level referee and he spent 25 years in the league, and served in an administrative role afterward.

Bob has written three books, sharing his life experiences and his expertise in post traumatic stress, and the emotional trauma that we all experience. - Dr. Joe Galati, Liver Specialists of Texas and the Metabolic Liver Center


Special Episode: Bob Delaney - Undercover NJ State Trooper, Former NBA Referee, and PTSD Awareness Advocate


Delaney on Post Traumatic Stress Sirius/XM Catholic Channel